Ghost v příkazové řádce

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cd /var/www/

$ghost help
ghost [command]

  ghost backup                 Backup content & files
  ghost buster                 Who ya gonna call? (Runs `yarn cache clean`)
  ghost check-update           Check if an update is available for a Ghost installation
  ghost config [key] [value]   View or edit Ghost configuration
  ghost doctor [categories..]  Check the system for any potential hiccups when installing/updating Ghost
  ghost export file            Export content from a blog
  ghost import [file]          Import a Ghost export
  ghost install [version]      Install a brand new instance of Ghost
  ghost log [name]             View the logs of a Ghost instance
  ghost ls                     View running ghost processes
  ghost migrate                Run system migrations on a Ghost instance
  ghost restart                Restart the Ghost instance
  ghost run                    Run a Ghost instance directly (used by process managers and for debugging)
  ghost setup [stages..]       Setup an installation of Ghost (after it is installed)
  ghost start                  Start an instance of Ghost
  ghost stop [name]            Stops an instance of Ghost
  ghost uninstall              Remove a Ghost instance and any related configuration files
  ghost update [version]       Update a Ghost instance
  ghost version                Prints out Ghost-CLI version (and Ghost version if one exists)

Global Options:
      --help         Show help                                                                                       [boolean]
  -d, --dir          Folder to run command in
  -D, --development  Run in development mode                                                                         [boolean]
  -V, --verbose      Enable verbose output                                                                           [boolean]
      --prompt       [--no-prompt] Allow/Disallow UI prompting                                       [boolean] [default: true]
      --color        [--no-color] Allow/Disallow colorful logging                                    [boolean] [default: true]
      --auto         Automatically run as much as possible                                          [boolean] [default: false]
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