Task Scheduler–kódy posledního spuštění
Narazil jsem dnes na Scheduled Task, který mi hlásil na W2008R2 kód 0x800704DD. Víceméně jsem si nikdy nepamatoval žádný jiný kód, než 0x0, který značí úspěšné dokončení
0x0: The operation completed successfully.
0x1: Incorrect function called or unknown function called.
0x2: File not found.
0xa: The environment is incorrect.
0x41300: Task is ready to run at its next scheduled time.
0x41301: Task is currently running.
0x41302: Task is disabled.
0x41303: Task has not yet run.
0x41304: There are no more runs scheduled for this task.
0x41306: Task is terminated.
0x8004130F: Credentials became corrupted
0x8004131F: An instance of this task is already running.
0x800704DD: The service is not available (is 'Run only when an user is logged on' checked?)
0xC000013A: The application terminated as a result of a CTRL+C.
0xC06D007E: Unknown software exception.
Výčet všech konstant souvisejících s Task Schedulerem, jsou zde.